10 Tips for Making Exterior Paint Jobs Last Longer

Everyone wants a longer lasting paint job, few know how to achieve it. Here are a few tips for how to extend the life of an exterior paint job.
- Make sure surfaces are clean – power washing is a must on exterior jobs, paint will stick to dirt but dirt will not bind to the surface being painted.
- Make sure surfaces are dry – wood should be thoroughly dry before applying any paint or primer, in Calgary this requires patience.
- Make sure bare wood is primed – prime with an oil-based primer to prevent tannin bleed, an acrylic bonding primer for adhesion.
- Some surfaces should be painted, others should be stained – Do not paint rough cut siding, the film build means that paint failure will be difficult to prepare in the future; Instead use an exterior wood stain.
- Make sure temperatures remain above 10 degrees – If not wait until temperatures maintain above 10 degrees Celsius.
- Use caulking and filler sparingly – These materials are the first to fail on exterior projects, some gaps are not meant to be caulked.
- Sometimes you should wait until the paint is failing – Painting to soon is sometimes a recipe for disaster, if paint is on the verge of cracking, adding a new coat will only speed the process up.
- Have exterior millwork repaired – If it is rotten, replace it.
- De-gloss paint prior to recoating – If it is shiny, sand it until it isn’t.
- Respect recoat times – Follow manufacturer specifications for application.
That’s all I’ve got for now, the rest will remain trade secrets.